First Week of 2022 – Done.

The first week of 2022 is nearly in the books. For me, this has been a week of getting back into the swing of things. I went back to balancing work (church religious educations programs), writing a dissertation, co-chairing a conference (organizing a historical conference coming to my university in June), keeping up a house (cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, and cleaning), helping out my mom, and then trying to take care of myself. It’s a lot of balancing, but somehow I make it work. I also do not think I would have it any other way. On top of this, we are still going through IVF. 

While I want consistency and feel blogging is vital, I have to be realistic that it might not happen every day.

It’s Friday evening, and I am just exhausted. However, I am happy that the house is essentially picked up – clean, the laundry is done, and for the most part, the grocery shopping is done (although I forgot a few things).  

This weekend’s agenda includes picking up the Christmas decorations and going to the Yoga class. I also hope to get some dissertation work done.

I end the “week” with many things on my mind – some related to work, the dissertation, and others on personal ambitions. I know these will sort themselves out over the next couple of weeks. For now, it’s time for sleep.

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