
Everyone has a list of things they want to do. For me, that list is varied and includes simple everyday things, along with more adventure activities that require planning and preparation.

One activity that has been on my list for a long time has been yoga. I have always wanted to learn the art and practice of yoga. My desire to learn and practice yoga stems from me never being very flexible or good at relaxing.

Several years back, I signed up for a yoga class. Afterward, I was highly embarrassed because I didn’t know what to do or how to do it. I mean, I didn’t know where to place my mat. I left that class not frustrated with the practice of yoga but frustrated because there was no help or guidance to learn it. I even called the studio afterward and asked about an introduction class – yeah, I was laughed at.

I kept looking around and found a local yoga studio offering an introductory series. I procrastinated for a couple of years, coming up with excuse after excuse. Last month, I signed up when I saw that they were offering the series at the beginning of 2022. What I didn’t expect was that I would actually go through with it and attend.

Last Sunday, I attended my first introductory course. I was nervous and scared walking in the door, but I found the studio very welcoming — others taking the series were much like myself. The first class went over everything from vocabulary to rolling up your map and through the basic flow of yoga. I left impressed and felt that yoga was something I could do and enjoy. The thing that impressed me the most was that the instructor acknowledged that not everyone would not be able to do all the poses, but there are modifications.

That one class left me feeling revived, particularly from a wellness standpoint. It proved that I could still move in some senses and reminded me how much I love fitness/wellness and being active.

Thursday, I signed and attended a rest and reiki yoga class. The class used extended mediative poses and aimed at helping one to slow down and provide balance. I think it did that – at for that hour. If anything, it was a good way to practice what I had learned on Sunday.

This afternoon I head back for the second introductory course. I am excited, but I am also a little nervous because I know we will be doing more poses, and overall, I am very uncoordinated and clutz 🙂

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